Monday, July 4, 2011

2011-07 Herbert F Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University

We visited the Herbert F Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY.   The building was designeed by I.M.Pei.  He is a very famous contemporary arctitect who was born in China, but was educated and has lived in the US.  This building opened in 1973.  It is a very modern concrete structure.  On its own it is very unique and interesting, but is radically different that the surrounding buildings at Cornell.  This is an "Ivy League" school and has a beautiful campus with many classical buildings.  Here are a few examples;

These views show how the campus flows over and down the surrounding hillsides.

The campus overlooks Ithaca and Cayuga Lake.

This is a very fine museum with a variety of art works.  While there are many lovely paintings, I was primarily interested in all the ancient art objects from China, Egypt, Greece, Iran, etc. and their Pre-Columbian objects.  Here are just a few of the things that caught my attention:

2000-2200 BC

China, Ming Dynasty
top 1506-1522
bottom early 17th century

Spouted vessel in the form of a stag
burnished earthenware
1000-550 BC
Pre-Columbian Art
Moche, Peru
Kneeling Warrior Effigy Vessel
400 BC - AD 100
380 - 342 BC
(about 12" tall)

Gold aureus
portrait of Licinius
Emperor 308 - 322 AD
Southern Italy
Red-figure pelike
Orestes and Electra at the tomb of their father Agamemnon
410 - 380 BC

Two leaves from a Book of Hours
1460 - 1470 AD
Garunda Mask, 20th Century
Note that if you are interested in seeing more photos from this museum click on this link.  That will take you my library of photos kept in the online Picassa Web Albums. 

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